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Jacqueline Kiplimo: Athlete Who Lost Race But Won Hearts.

Jacqueline Kiplimo: Athlete Who Lost Race But Won Hearts.
Jacqueline Kiplimo assisting disabled competitor to drink water.

During the Zheng-Kai Marathon in 2010, Jacqueline Nyetipei Kiplimo did something that surprised the globe when she observed a disabled competitor who was a double amputee struggling to drink water.

She raced behind him from the 6.2-mile (10-kilometer) mark all the way up to the 23-mile (38-kilometer) mark, assisting him in drinking water at each of the watering stations along the way rather than viewing this as an opportunity to go ahead of the athlete who was having difficulty.

The assistance that she so kindly offered to another participant slowed down her run time, which led her to fall from first place to second in the race. As a result, she did not win the competition and did not get the financial prize of $10,000 that was at stake.

On that particular day, Jacqueline Nyetipei Kiplimo demonstrated to the whole world that, in her eyes, being compassionate toward one another and lending a helping hand was more essential than triumphing in a competition for which she had spent her entire life training.

This is what a genuine leader looks like; one that helps those in need and never abandons those who are less fortunate.

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Source: ghananews.hrforum.uk

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