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Protecting the flock of the Church: Confronting Pastoral Abuse.

Protecting the flock of the Church: Confronting Pastoral Abuse.
Protecting the flock of the Church: Confronting Pastoral Abuse.

A disturbing trend has emerged in some churches, where pastors prey on vulnerable women, promising miracles or breakthroughs in exchange for striping naked or sexual favors. This article provides guidance on how to address this exploitation and support affected individuals.

Recognizing the Problem:

1. Spiritual manipulation: Pastors use their authority to coerce women into compromising situations. A pastor in Ghana, once asked his female members to remove their panties in order to shave their pubic area and attract breakthroughs in their lives. A Kenyan reverend also instructed and banned his female church members from wearing underwear (bras and panties) to church, so as to enable the holy spirit enter them.

2. Emotional exploitation: Women are promised solutions to personal struggles, making them vulnerable to abuse. In Ghana, a pastor gave a holy bath to some women in his church, to the full glare of other members. And this was to aid the women attract miracles in their lives. A South African preacher was also reported to have asked his congregation to eat grass to be closer to God.

3. Sexual misconduct: Striping naked is often a precursor to sexual assault or harassment. A classic case is when a pastor in Nigeria, asked the women in his church to line-up at the beach naked in order to receive a holy kiss on the butt so they could get a husband.

4. Betrayal of trust: Women trust their pastors, making this exploitation a deep betrayal. Indeed, it is a deep betrayal, when a pastor in Ghana, gives his church members used bath water to drink. Another washes his feet on the heads of church members in the guise of blessing them. A South African pastor, also kisses a female member in his church in the disguise of praying for her.

Confronting the Issue:

1. Educate and empower: The media should help inform and educate women about healthy boundaries and consent.

2. Support survivors: The government, media, law enforcement authorities and civil society organisations should listen without judgment, offer resources, and encourage reporting.

3. Hold pastors accountable: The media and law enforcement agencies should expose, confront as well as discipline abusive pastors if necessary.

4. Foster a safe environment: The media, NGOs and law enforcement agencies, should encourage open discussions, prioritising consent and respect.

Protecting the Flock:

1. Implement policies: The government through the law enforcement agencies, should establish clear guidelines for pastoral conduct and reporting abuse.

2. Encourage transparency: The government, media with the help of civil society organisations, should regularly address issues, and promote a culture of accountability.

3. Prioritize victim support: The various civil society organisations should provide resources, counselling, and a safe space for survivors. And as mentioned earlier, pastors or religious head who are caught abusing their office, be brought to book and dealt with severely.

4. Engage in open dialogue: The media should discuss and promote the need for healthy relationships, boundaries, and consent even in church circles.

In conclusion, it’s crucial for churches, the government, media, civil society organisations and law enforcement agencies, to acknowledge and address this exploitation, prioritizing the well-being and safety of church members. And by educating, supporting, and holding perpetrators accountable, we can create a safe and respectful environment for all. Remember, spiritual leadership should empower, not exploit!

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Source: HR Forum News

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