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Expedite negotiation of our condition of service-GNAT to Govt.

Expedite negotiation of our condition of service-GNAT to Govt.
GNAT General Secretary, Thomas Musah

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) General Secretary, Thomas Musah, has advised the government to negotiate teacher service conditions seriously.

He claims that the administration must move quickly to speed the discussions since teachers have endured far too much suffering.

According to Thomas Musah, the instructors anticipate an early agreement with the administration over their terms of service.

The teachers, he claims, are not ready to take the government's justifications.

Speaking on the Ghana Tonight show on TV3 on Wednesday, May 15, Thomas Musah said “The only thing that can be done now is for the government to appreciate it and get it done as soon as possible and at least wipe away the tears of teachers and the sufferings of the teachers.

“The teachers are dying on the Volta Lake, are they not aware? Let us be serious. The teachers are wide awake and they will not accept any apology or any excuse from the government, the earlier we come to the table to satisfy what the teachers expect the better for all of us.”

He was responding to a petition regarding the government's glacial pace of negotiating teacher unions' conditions of service that the central region's teaching unions had filed at the regional minister's office.

The unions said that the nation's present economic circumstances are causing their members great suffering.

 “We call on the Employer, once again, to honour its promises and commitment to our teachers by addressing our concerns over the allowances enumerated above.

“We wish to stress, that we have had enough of the disinterest, feet-dragging, and unfairness of the Employer, and would thus not tolerate this situation any longer. We wish to state in strongest terms that, should the Employer fail to address our demands, then we shall call on leadership to take action immediately and when that happens, teachers should be pardoned of the blame,” portions of their petition said.

Below is the full petition:

Also Read: No LGBTQ+ in Ghana, under my Presidency-Bawumia assures.

Source: HR Forum News

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