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Full list of postal codes in Nigeria for all 36 states.

Full list of postal codes in Nigeria for all 36 states.
Full list of postal codes in Nigeria for all 36 states.

What is Nigeria postal code?

It is a post office code that designates the proper location to deliver mail, packages, and other items. When you require delivery services, local and international logistics businesses like DHL, GIG Logistics, Azex, just to mention a few, would ask for the postal code of the specified state in Nigeria.

For delivery and mail, people utilise postal coding and zip codes. While the majority of African nations use postal codes, developed nations like the USA use zip codes. Nonetheless, Nigeria is one of the nations’ employing both codes.

Postal Codes in Nigeria for all 36 States.

There are multiple states in each of Nigeria's six geopolitical zones. Nigeria was given a practical post office system by the government when President Ibrahim Babangida was in power.

As a consequence, individuals started sending and receiving letters, importing and exporting goods, and dispersing goods all throughout the nation. For the purpose of removing any ambiguity, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and the postal codes for Nigeria states are listed here:

Full list of postal codes in Nigeria for all 36 states.

Full list of postal codes in Nigeria for all 36 states.

What is a postal code?

Postal Codes in Nigeria - A postal code is a string of characters, numbers, or both that may also include punctuation or spaces. It often forms a portion of a postal address, assisting post offices in sending packages and mail to the proper locations. Additionally, you may track your purchase using a postal code for Nigeria.

A ZIP code combination is used by the USA's delivery system for goods that are sent both domestically and internationally. Its ZIP+4 code has five digits, a hyphen, and four more digits to indicate a more precise location.

Is 23401 a ZIP code in Nigeria?

Nigeria does not recognise zip code 23401 as the valid zip code for the country. Use your state's postal code in Nigeria when contacting delivery services.

Is +234 Nigeria postal code?

The international dialling code for Nigeria is +234 for phone numbers. Therefore, avoid using it when asked to enter Nigeria's zip or postal codes on forms for logistical services.

What is Nigeria ZIP postal code?

The proper ZIP code is your state's postal code in Nigeria. Use it when completing forms that ask for a ZIP code.

What is the postal code of Nigeria?

The main purpose of a ZIP, postcode, or postal code achieve the same purpose since they are to aid delivery services in delivering packages to the right addresses. Therefore, you must submit these codes to any logistics firm.

Nigeria postal codes comprise of 6-digit numbers:

The first three stand for the regional set of numbers (district for the outgoing sorting);

The second three digits denote the delivery location (urban area or post office).

For example, Lagos State's postal code is 100001. Hence;

  • 100 – the first three digits represent the state;
  • 001 – the last three numbers denote the head department in each region.

Use the department's code to deliver a package to a local department rather than the corporate headquarters. Please take note that entering the incorrect number can delay delivery.

What does it mean when a person says a “ZIP codification”?

  • Z= zone;
  • I = improvement;
  • P = plan code.

Understanding postal codes in Nigeria for all 36 states is crucial. These codes may be required if you purchase anything online and want it delivered to your state. Save this page as a bookmark for future reference as it is difficult to learn all the codes.

Related Links: Ghana Zip Codes: An Insight into Zip and postal Codes for Ghana

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Source: HR Forum News

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