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The Office of the Special Prosecutor has begun investigations
into the banking and financial sector crisis, which led to the collapse of some
banks and other financial institutions.
In a statement, the office said investigations were targeting
“alleged corruption and corruption-related offences perpetrated by officials of
the Bank of Ghana, banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions and financial
holding companies.”
“Any official found culpable and complicit would be arrested
and prosecuted.”
“The OSP invites members of the public who have knowledge of
the commission of corruption or corruption-related offences to lodge complaints
with the OSP against any official in this regard,” the statement added.
The Office of the Special Prosecutor has begun investigations
into the banking and financial sector crisis, which led to the collapse of some
banks and other financial institutions.
In a statement, the office said investigations were targeting
“alleged corruption and corruption-related offences perpetrated by officials of
the Bank of Ghana, banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions and financial
holding companies.”
“Any official found culpable and complicit would be arrested
and prosecuted.”
“The OSP invites members of the public who have knowledge of
the commission of corruption or corruption-related offences to lodge complaints
with the OSP against any official in this regard,” the statement added.
The collapse of the institutions left clients in distress, as
many of the customers have been struggling to retrieve their savings and
Hundreds of workers were in financial institutions were also
laid off as a result.